B Vitamins

B Vitamins

To the B vitamins group belong Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin B9 (Folsäure) und Vitamin 12.

Vitamin B1

Funktion von Vitamin B1 Vitamin B1 ist ein wasserlösliches Vitamin, essenziell, wichtig für den Energiestoffwechsel und zahlreiche Stoffwechselvorgänge sowie für die Reizleitung im Nervensystem
Aufnahme-Empfehlung von Vitamin B1 pro Tag Frauen 1 mg/Tag, Männer 1,2 mg/Tag (nach DGE)
Vorkommen von Vitamin B1 Weizenkeime, Schweinefleisch, Innereien der meisten Tiere, Wurstwaren, einige Gemüsesorten wie Erbsen und vollkornhaltige Getreideprodukte
Vitamin B1 - Mangelerscheinungen Die typische Vitamin B1-Mangelerscheinung ist Beriberi (oft als kombinierter Thiamin- und Proteinmangel, Appetitlosigkeit, Reizbarkeit bis hin zu Störungen der Herz- und Muskelfunktion) sowie das Wernike-Korsakoff-Syndrom (Nervenentzündung, Muskelschädigung, Enzephalopathie), das durch Alkoholmissbrauch entsteht
Hauptwirkung / Organsystem von Vitamin B1 Entgiftung, Nervennahrung, Blutbildung, Leberfunktion, Schleimhautschutz, Darmfunktion
Dosierungen von Vitamin B1 in der orthomolekularen Medizin Bis zu 600 mg am Tag (in Form der Vorstufe Benfothiamin), abhängig vom Anwendungsgebie

Vitamin B2

function recommended daily dosage sources
water soluble, essental, important for many metabolic processes women 1,2 mg/day, men 1,4 mg/day (according to DGE) milk and milk products, wholemeal products
<B>deficency symptoms</B> <B>main effect/apparatus</B> <B>dosages in ortomolecular medicine</B>
mucosa inflamations detoxification, hepatic function, mucosa protection, intestinal function up to 400 mg per day, depending on the application area

Vitamin B3

function recommended daily dosage sources
water soluable, essential, the function of about 200 enzymes, chrome togehther with niacin are essential parts of the glucose tolerance factor for blood glucose regulation women 13 mg/day, men 16 mg/day (according to DGE) between 15 mg and 18 mg (Biesalski et al, 2004) animal products such as muscle meat, fish, wholemeal products
<B>deficency symptoms <B>main effect/apparatus</B> <B>dosages in ortomolecular medicine</B>
a typical deficency symptom is sleeplessness, loss of appetite and weight, the niacine deficency disease pellagra detoxification, sanguification, hepatic function, mucosa protection, intestinal function up to 3000 mg per day depending on the application area

Vitamin B5

<B>function</B> <B>recommended daily dosage</B> <B>sources</B>
water soluble, necessary for all important cell functions, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, part of hormon production 6 mg per day according to DGE can be found in many kinds of food, especially in fruits and vegetables, wholemeal products, milk, nuts, eggs
<B>deficency symptoms</B> <B>main effect/apparatus</B> <B>dosages in ortomolecular medicine</B>
Major deficencies are highly unlikely, but when it comes to a general vitamin B deficency, nerv problems, headache and sleepiness can be the symptoms. detoxification, soul food, blood, intestinal protection up to 1000 mg depending on the application area

Vitamin B6

<B>function</B> <B>recommended daily dosage</B> <B>sources</B>
water soluable, part of many metabolic processes women 1,2 mg/day, men 1,5 mg/day according to DGE part of many kinds of food, good sources are:meat and fish, vegetables and wholemeal products
<B>deficency symptoms</B> <B>main effect/apparatus</B> <B>dosages in ortomolecular medicine</B>
In the beginning a vitamin B6 lack is often similar to a vitamin B2 or niacin lack, later symptoms ar nerv disorders detoxification, soul food, blood up to 1000 mg per day depending on the application area

Vitamin B12

<B>function</B> <B>recommended daily dosage</B> <B>sources</B>
as coenzyme part of several important metabolic processes 3 mcg per day according to DGE  
<B>deficency symptoms</B> <B>main effect/apparatus</B> <B>dosages in ortomolecular medicine</B>
Vitamin B12 deficts can cause nerval disorders as well as anemia (starting with sleepiness, tachycardia. detoxification, blood formation, liver function