Hormones and the female organism

Genetically, the difference between the sexes is not that big. While in childhood it is the environment that shapes role models, the importance of hormones increases from puberty onwards. From the first period of bleeding (menarche) to menopause, the female organism is subject to cyclical changes. The bleeding itself is just one feature. The cycle also influences female performance and mood, causes changes in appetite and weight fluctuations. Periods are controlled primarily by the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

What does estrogen do?

  • Mucosal growth in the uterus
  • Secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • Follicular maturation
  • Storage of water in the tissue
  • Absorption of calcium, sodium and phosphorus, mineralization of the bones

What does progesterone do?

  • Preparing for pregnancy
  • Structure of the uterine lining
  • Increase in body temperature

In addition to the monthly cycle, the female hormone level is subject to almost daily fluctuations, which are also related to the hormone production of the thyroid gland and other hormones. In addition, women experience major life phases of hormonal changes that affect some more, others less: puberty, the desire to have children, pregnancy and breastfeeding as well as the menopause, which ends with the menopause.

Puberty: The hormones send their regards

During puberty, increased estrogen production leads to the development of female sexual characteristics. The body changes shape and hormones affect skin and mucous membranes, sweat production and body odor. Not to mention the chaos that hormones can wreak in the minds and hearts of young people...

To stay healthy, productive and balanced, especially at a time when growth processes are still taking place, is a healthy one Organic nutrition is important. Despite all the love for foods rich in fat and sugar during puberty, young girls can hardly consume enough minerals, trace elements and vitamins, especially during this nerve-wracking time.

Wanting children: What we can do ourselves

We can only plan a family to a limited extent, because a child is still a gift of nature. But we can create the basis for receiving a small miracle. If we challenge our body through strong physical and mental stress or a lack of nutrition, it has less capacity to fulfill our desire to have children. A healthy Intestinal microbiome and a healthy lifestyle with sufficient exercise, relaxation and a good supply of nutrients can lay the foundation for future family happiness. Even before pregnancy, nutrient supply is particularly important. Because it's not just the need for biotin and folic acid that is increasing. Trace elements such as zinc, manganese and selenium as well as B vitamins, vitamins C and D and the minerals magnesium, calcium and potassium are also increasingly needed. Studies have also shown that taking omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil during pregnancy benefits children.

Breastfeeding: Health for mother and child

During pregnancy, a woman has a significant influence on the development of her child and the delivery through her lifestyle and diet. This doesn't change much after the birth - at least when women breastfeed their babies. On the one hand, it is important that sufficient nutritious breast milk is produced, but on the other hand, the infant's digestion is not yet fully developed. She cannot yet break down some substances, which can lead to colic. For example, if the mother avoids various types of fruit and vegetables in order to save her child from a sore bottom and flatulence, she can compensate for missing vitamins, minerals and trace elements by biologically improving her milk with high-quality nutritional supplements. 

Mother and child particularly need iodine and folic acid when breastfeeding. Depending on your diet, important nutrients such as iron, vitamin B12 or omega-3 fatty acids may also be missing. The need for vitamin A increases by 88 percent and that for zinc by 57 percent1. Especially during the sensitive and important time of breastfeeding, high-quality nutritional supplements without harmful additives are important. The mother's state of mind, which depends not least on nutrition, also has a direct impact on that of the child. It is all the more important that young mothers take good care of themselves and therefore also of their baby. 

Our tip: PregnaSana from the time you want to have children until the end of breastfeeding

Night sweats and hot flashes

Warmth is wonderful - but subjectively perceived heat can be annoying. What exactly causes sudden hot flashes during menopause is not well understood. One aspect is probably a hormonally triggered, temporary increase in blood flow and expansion of the small blood vessels as well as a momentary increase in blood pressure. This can lead to redness, changes in skin temperature and the sensation of temperature. If you want to counteract hot flashes, you should do so, for example, with phytotherapeutics or, if necessary, with hormone replacement (HRT) with bioidentical hormone preparations. They are almost the same as the body's own hormones and are therefore gentler on the body.

The influences of the thyroid on the hormonal balance

Sex hormones play a central role in women's health. The activity of the hormone glands that produce them is controlled, among other things, by the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. For example, if your period stops without a known cause (amenorrhea), it may be due to an underactive thyroid. It is also possible that the pituitary gland produces too few hormones. Both can result in cycle disorders, reduced libido, heavy bleeding and even infertility. There are various possible causes for hypothyroidism: it can be congenital or caused by inflammation or goiter, which in turn can be caused by an iodine deficiency. An autoimmune event as part of silent inflammation (unnoticed inflammation in the body) can also lead to chronic inflammation of the thyroid, Hashimoto's thyroiditis. We cannot regulate all of these disorders ourselves, but in any case a good supply of nutrients contributes to better self-regulation of our organism.

Women's health requires self-care

The female body is indeed something very special: hormonal control circuits are like very fine clockworks in which every movement of one of the tiny gears also affects all the others. Every day is different and every day we feel different - physically and mentally. Hormonal fluctuations are more drastic in women than in men. Especially at the end of the cycle, many women suffer from swollen, sometimes painfully tender breasts, cravings, irritability or depressed mood, and headaches or back pain. Sometimes the hormonal changes associated with food intake even trigger migraines.

In order to cope with the hormonal rollercoaster ride of life happily and vitally, organic fresh food, exercise especially in the fresh air and drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, preferably from a glass bottle, help. Certain micronutrients and plant extracts can also provide support. B vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of the nerves and psyche, and magnesium plays an important role in the ability of the muscles to relax. A balanced diet rich in fiber can contribute to stable blood sugar and the microbiome in the intestines and vagina. In any case, women would do well to deal with their changing feelings lovingly and to treat themselves with mindfulness and self-care.

[1] Berechnet auf Basis der D-A-CH-Referenzwerte für die Nährstoff¬zufuhr (www.dge.de; Stand November 2017)

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