The basics of a healthy pregnancy

In a time when we are responsible not only for ourselves but also for the life of a child, a healthy lifestyle becomes even more important. Exercise and rest, fresh air and security, a healthy, balanced diet, distraction, enjoyment and sufficient sleep are good for both the vitality of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus. Harmful substances should be particularly avoided during pregnancy. In addition to alcohol, nicotine or hair dyes, this includes highly processed foods - but pans with a Teflon coating, water from plastic bottles, clothing or construction chemicals can also be problematic. Natural substances contribute to the health of mother and child.

At the beginning of a pregnancy there is often a desire to have children

Not every pregnancy is planned, but in the majority it is preceded by the expectant parents' desire to have children. When you decide to have a child, responsibility for their health and well-being begins - as long as you can actively contribute to it. Both the expectant mother and the prospective father can adjust their lifestyle at an early stage and increase the likelihood of a (healthy) pregnancy by taking pure dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements if a woman wants to have children

Whoever decides to have a child embarks on an exciting journey. It is not uncommon for it to take a while for pregnancy to occur. Women can use this time to prepare their bodies for the special adventure. A fresh, conscious organic diet, relaxation, exercise, conscious time in nature and lots of restful sleep: everything that is good for a woman now also supports fertility and the healthy course of a pregnancy.

From the first moment you want to have children, the supply of nutrients plays an important role. For example, zinc contributes to normal fertility and, like vitamin D, vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12, has a function in cell division. However, there are various factors that can contribute to a lack of micronutrients. If a woman has just stopped taking the birth control pill, a nutrient deficiency is not unlikely, as the hormone preparations can cause a deficiency in vitamins B, C and E, magnesium and zinc1. Taking a specially tailored, high-quality nutritional supplement can positively support a woman's desire to have children right from the start.

The desire to have children and fertility in men

If you want to have children, men can also actively contribute to a successful pregnancy through lifestyle factors and a diet rich in nutrients. The supply of nutrients has an influence on the quality of the sperm. It is no coincidence that sperm counts and therefore male fertility are declining in a world full of hectic pace, fast food and environmental chemicals.2

Of course there are other factors that influence fertility. A conscious lifestyle and suitable nutritional supplements are definitely a healthy decision if a man wants to have children.

Balanced diet during pregnancy

From the first day of pregnancy, the mother's nutrient requirements increase - especially micronutrients. No wonder, because the development of the child in the womb is now highly dependent on the mother's diet. Despite all the cravings, sour cucumbers and nut nougat cream do not provide the optimal nutrients. Rather, regular and freshly prepared meals make sense to keep blood sugar stable and avoid food cravings.

A balanced diet during pregnancy consists of fresh and carefully processed foods full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Excessive consumption of sugar and fat is not good. The food may be rich in probiotics, i.e. viable organisms such as lactic acid bacteria or yeast. Hot spices, flatulent foods and raw milk products are unfavorable to the health of mother and child. Meat, fish and eggs must be cooked well. If possible, organic quality foods should be selected because they reduce the fetus' exposure to food chemicals.

Some nutrients are particularly important during pregnancy. Pure dietary supplements can ensure the supply of these micronutrients.

Which nutrients are particularly important for the health of mother and child?

Which nutrients we need and in what quantities varies from person to person and varies, for example, depending on age, season and physical activity. In any case, the need for nutrients increases during pregnancy. A good supply of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids is essential for the healthy development of the child.

The best-known vitamin for pregnancy: folic acid

A low level of folate (also called vitamin B9 or folic acid) at the beginning of pregnancy increases the risk of neural tube defects. This means that the child's nervous system does not fully develop. The neural tube is a precursor of the nervous system in the embryo.

If the development of the nervous system is not complete, for example as a result of folic acid deficiency, spina bifida can occur, a maldevelopment of the spine, which is also known as “open back”. With another neural tube defect, anencephaly, the cerebrum and skull cannot develop properly.

In order to reduce the risk of neural tube defects developing in the growing child, it is recommended to start taking 400 µg of folic acid per day one to three months before the start of pregnancy.

Important for mother and child: Prevent iron deficiency during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the iron requirement is about twice as high as before, so iron deficiency is very common during this time. The risk of premature birth increases significantly, especially if there is a severe deficiency, anemia. But even with slight undersupply, which often goes unnoticed, children grow more slowly and are born with a lower birth weight. According to the Professional Association of Gynecologists, children of women who suffered from iron deficiency during pregnancy remain smaller in the first few years of life, are less productive and have a weaker immune system.3

During the usual check-up for pregnant women, only the red blood pigment hemoglobin is measured. An iron deficiency only becomes noticeable when the stores are largely depleted. An additional determination of the iron storage protein ferritin provides early information as to whether there are still enough reserves.

Since an iron deficiency can hardly be covered by food alone, it makes sense to replace it in good time during pregnancy with a high-quality and readily bioavailable nutritional supplement. Iron supplements that also contain vitamin C are particularly recommended because vitamin C improves iron absorption.

By the way: Only around 10% of the iron can be absorbed from plant foods. Animal iron is better absorbed. Foods rich in iron include pork and beef liver, black pudding, egg yolks, legumes, chanterelles and oat flakes.

Iodine can be useful as a dietary supplement during pregnancy

Iodine is needed primarily for the production of the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which control important processes such as brain development, growth and bone formation. With the onset of pregnancy, the need for iodine increases by an average of 15%, and during breastfeeding it is even 30% higher than the usual requirement.4 According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), pregnant women and... An intake of 230 or 260 micrograms of iodine per day is recommended for breastfeeding women. Fish and seafood in particular have a high content of the trace element, and table salt is often iodized. Pregnant women who eat a low-salt diet and eat little or no fresh sea fish are recommended to ensure their iodine supply through a high-purity dietary supplement.

Well supplied during pregnancy with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA

For pregnant women, either regular consumption of sea fish or, alternatively, dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids is recommended5. The omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contributes to the normal development of the brain and eyes of the fetus and the breastfed child. A deficiency increases the likelihood of miscarriage and affects the birth weight and development of the child.

In addition, an adequate supply of omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of preeclampsia, the so-called pregnancy poisoning. If you avoid foods such as liver or fatty sea fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, you can cover your needs with high-quality fish oil capsules. The quality of the products and the origin of the fish play a major role in ensuring that the oils are not contaminated with heavy metals. A dietary supplement with highly pure tested micronutrients not only optimizes the nutrient supply, but also gives you a good and safe feeling.

With PREGNASana® you receive six pure hypo-A products, which as a whole are specifically tailored to the additional needs of the desire to have children - and thus to the health of mother and child.

Feel completely comfortable during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an illness – on the contrary. However, the expectant mother may experience various impairments during this time, which are normal and not always pleasant at the same time.

Fatigue during pregnancy

Many pregnant women experience a feeling of exhaustion and increased tiredness, especially in the first few months of pregnancy. Given what's happening in her body, that's not surprising. A balanced mineral balance can help. Magnesium in particular contributes to normal energy metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Not entirely harmless: loss of minerals due to nausea

A common side effect of the first weeks of pregnancy is nausea - especially in the morning. If vomiting even occurs, special care must be taken to ensure that the body is still supplied with all important minerals. The loss of potassium in particular puts a strain on the circulatory system. Many women find ginger, for example as a hot drink, to be soothing and soothing.

If the child presses on the intestines...

If the belly grows during pregnancy, the digestive organs are pushed aside, which can lead to functional impairments such as constipation and flatulence. This is harmless, but unpleasant and puts a strain on the woman's body image. This makes it all the more important to keep moving and eat a diet rich in fiber. Spices such as caraway, fennel and anise can provide relief - as a tea or directly in the cooking pot. High-quality nutritional supplements free from harmful additives now help to ensure that the body and intestines are supplied with the vitamins and minerals they need for normal function.

Hot flashes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body changes, proportions shift and the connective tissue becomes a little “loose”. This also affects the skin and blood vessels. Temperature regulation can temporarily go out of sync, which can become noticeable in hot flashes, sweating or even cold hands and feet. Regular exercise contributes to improved regulation. In many cases, herbal remedies can also provide relief. In this regard, it is always advisable to seek medical advice.

[4] Berechnet auf Basis der D-A-CH-Referenzwerte für die Nährsto­ffzufuhr (; Stand November 2022)
[5] Koletzko B et al. Ernährung und Lebensstil vor und während der Schwangerschaft – Handlungsempfehlungen des bundesweiten Netzwerks Gesund ins Leben. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2018;78:1-22

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